Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes...And How to Correct Them: Lessons from the Life-Changing Science of Behavioral Economics
Gary Belsky (Auteur), Thomas Gilovich (Auteur)
Acheter neuf : EUR 11,59 (as of 12/22/2012 08:02 PST)
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Description du produit
- A fascinating and practical manual: Looking at the ways we spend, save, borrow, invest, and waste money, Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich reveal the psychology underlying irrational financial behavior. Entertaining case studies illustrate common patterns of thinking and show readers how changing their habits can protect and grow their assets. .- New information for a new economic climate: Belsky and Gilovich offer sound theory and sensible advice that accounts for new economic realities and helps people make good decisions in these difficult times. .- Increasing prominence of the field: Interest in behavioral economics has increased dramatically since the first edition was released. This updated volume will offer the latest research to readers eager to learn about its practical applications..
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